
Showing posts from July, 2021

What Gades Does Primary School Include?

        The Primary School Years   The first few years of formal schooling that a child receives are called the primary or elementary school.   Primary school is an important phase of your child’s life – the education they get in these years is the  foundation for their academic future. It covers a wide range of learning experiences that helps your child  discover their interests and talents and build their confidence.  Primary education starts in Grade 1 at the age of six, though most children start schooling in kindergarten at five.  It usually lasts for five to seven years. Primary school under the Indian curriculum consists of two stages: Lower primary – Grades 1 to 5 Upper primary or middle school – Grades 6 to 8 Some curricula like the national education systems in Singapore and the UK and IB consider Grades 1-6 as  primary school. Irrespective of the curriculum followed, primary schools focus on general education and cover  reading, writing, arithmetic, and general science and